Brazilian Wax vs. Bikini Wax: What’s the Difference?
If it’s bikini season where you are, you might be debating if you should get a Brazilian vs bikini wax. The problem for many women is that they don’t know the difference between a Brazilian or a bikini wax. There’s actually a very big difference between the two, and if you get the wrong one, you could find yourself not getting the hair removal that you’re looking for.
Why use wax?
Okay, so let’s get this out of the way before moving on to the difference between Brazilian vs bikini wax. Why would you want to wax? Waxing is preferred over shaving for many reasons; the main reason is that it removes hair from the root, leaving you smooth for much longer than shaving.
What is a Brazilian wax?
A Brazilian wax is where wax is applied to the entire pubic region. The area where the wax is used can also include the labia and anus. The wax is applied to any area where there is pubic hair.
The end result is a pubic area that is completely free from hair. Since it’s waxing and not shaving, there is no stubble or five o’clock shadow, as some people refer to it. You’re left with smooth, hair-free pubic hair without worries about any hair protruding from your bikini.
What is a bikini wax?
Just like with a Brazilian wax, the focus here is on pubic hair. The only difference is that the focus is on the area that a bikini doesn’t cover up. That means the focus is only on the pubic hair that is around the bikini line
Not all pubic hair is removed when receiving a bikini wax. Only the areas of the pubic region that are on the edges are waxed, and the hair is removed. All the other pubic hair remains the same.
The differences between a Brazilian and a bikini wax
The only difference between a Brazilian and a bikini wax is the amount of pubic hair removed. A bikini wax only removes the pubic hair closest to the bikini and nothing else. All the other pubic hair is kept in place. It should also be noted that the pubic hair isn’t trimmed during a bikini wax.
A Brazilian wax will remove all the hair, leaving your pubic area completely bald. There is no hair at all on your labia, and also around the anus if you have hair there too. All the hair under your bikini is removed, and it will be as smooth as silk once the waxing is complete.
Another thing to note is that both Brazilian and bikini wax use the same type of wax. Neither procedures use a razor, and the entire process of applying the wax and yanking it off is exactly the same for both. The only difference is the amount of hair that’s removed.
Variations of both types of waxing
Nothing is written in stone, and you can modify both the bikini and Brazilian waxing. You can opt for a triangle of pubic hair that’s left even if you choose one or the other types of waxing.
There’s also what’s referred to as the landing strip, which is a strip of public hair that goes straight down the pubic area. A square or rectangle patch is less common, but some women prefer this patch of pubic hair when receiving either types of waxing.
Why do women remove their pubic hair before bikini season?
There is a multitude of reasons why women remove their pubic hair before bikini season. The primary reason why women get waxed is because of how embarrassing it is to have pubic hair sticking out from your bikini. No woman wants to enjoy some fun in the sun and look down at a patch of pubic hair coming out from underneath their bikini.
Another reason why women remove their pubic hair is for hygienic reasons. Not having pubic hair can appear to be cleaner for some reason. It’s less messy; also, pubic hair can trap in unwanted odors that can be offensive.
For many women, a significant reason why they remove their pubic hair is because it creates a smoother look underneath their bikini. If someone were to look closely at their bikini, they wouldn’t see any lumps or anything that is associated with pubic hair. The smooth look of a tightly fitting bikini is what many women are after, and the only way to achieve it is by having a smooth pubic area.
How to receive a Brazilian or bikini wax
Sure, you can wax yourself. As you can imagine removing your pubic hair from your labia and possibly anus isn’t exactly the easiest thing to do. You need some serious mirror skills to be able to see what’s going on near your anus to apply the wax, and then yank it off. That’s not to say it can’t be done, but if you’re the type who can bend yourself like a pretzel, anything is possible.
The primary way women receive these types of waxes is by using the services of professionals. Don’t worry; there’s nothing to be ashamed of here. The professionals have done this a lot of times before, and they know what they’re doing. It doesn’t matter how thick or furry you are down there; a professional has seen it all, and they’ll know exactly how to get you ready for bikini season.
Wax is applied to the pubic area, and a strip of paper is attached to the wax. The paper is yanked, and that pulls out the pubic hair at the root. This procedure is done until the desired amount of pubic hair has been removed.
You will more than likely need to book ahead since waxing is something that takes time. It’s not a good idea to walk in the door and announce that you need to get ready for a trip to the beach. Call ahead and make an appointment to ensure you can get a good time slot; otherwise, you might have to sit around and hope someone cancels or doesn’t show up for their appointment.
What are the downsides of waxing your pubic area?
The main downside is the pain and discomfort associated with receiving a waxing. Let’s be straight up honest: having someone yank out your pubic hairs by their roots can be quite painful. It’s not a walk in the park, but with that said, the pain isn’t so unbearable that it’ll make you cry.
Some women also experience irritation and redness that can last anywhere from a few hours to up to a day. Usually, the area that’s been waxed will experience some discomfort, but rarely is it something that will last longer than a few hours at the most.
Waxing can lead to ingrown hairs, but it’s not all that common. You could also experience red bumps around your pubic area after the waxing, but that, too, isn’t very common. As you can imagine, having hair pulled out by the very roots can be a little traumatic on the skin, and your pubic area may need a little tender loving care afterward.
Other services you can get
Estheticians can do much more than just remove hair from your bikini area. Did you know that estheticians can also remove hair from other parts of your body? It’s true; if you have any unwanted hair anywhere, they’ll be more than happy to get rid of it for you.
If you’re sick and tired of shaving your legs, your eyebrows, or even your armpits, tell them before you wax, and they’ll take care of that, too. There are all kinds of services out there that you probably have never heard of but are readily available. Also, don’t forget, you can also get your hair cut and colored while you’re at the salon, too, so if you’re in a pinch and time is of the essence, you might as well schedule that too while you’re at it.
Don’t forget that waxing isn’t just for the summer
Sure, almost all of you reading this right now are getting ready for summer. But, if you like to keep yourself looking your very best down there, then it’s a good idea to regularly schedule a waxing. You don’t want your pubic area to become an untamed wilderness, and the easiest way is to make sure you’re getting waxed periodically to avoid any unsightly overgrowth.
Regular waxing also makes it so that you’ll have to do it less often. The hair will grow back thinner and less thick, which means you won’t have to wax as frequently. Keeping up with your waxing appointments means that, over time, you’ll need to go less often, and the process will become less of a nuisance.
Salons like Amaci Salon have worked tirelessly to perfect the waxing process, so you can expect consistent results. You can rest assured that no matter if you want a Brazilian or a clean-up with a bikini wax, the hair will be removed, and you’ll look fantastic. So, the next time you look down there, and it looks like a jungle, just remember, waxing is the best solution.